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Why Israel’s Assassinations Only Strengthen the Resistance

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Major General Nilforoushan’s body has arrived in Mashhad. He will be subsequently taken to Isfahan, where he will be buried.

About the assassination by the Israeli regime—a common practice by the Israeli regime—of top commanders, high-ranking officials of the resistance front in the region. I want you to break that down for us.

It’s not been successful in the past. And we can see that with, for example, the Hezbollah resistance movement. The assassination of high ranking officials will not deter the efforts and the power and the persistence of these resistance groups. The Zionists don’t seem to understand the first rule of strategy in these matters, which is that you don’t want to create martyrs. But they are going around creating all kinds of martyrs. General Nilforoushan is now so beloved and such an inspiration to others that there will be dozens rising up to try to carry on the struggle that he was willing to risk his life to push forward.

This is just kind of an elementary aspect of warfare that goes back millennia. And the Zionists don’t get it. Or, you know, maybe at some level they do. Maybe they’re just evil and they have to behave according to their evil cultural programming and they can’t understand good people. They can’t understand that good people, when their heroic leaders are willing to risk their lives and then get martyred, rally behind that cause.

So it doesn’t work. And some of the Zionists know that it doesn’t work. In fact, the main spokesperson for the Israeli intelligence apparatus—and specifically the people who have been running around killing folks for decades now, Ronan Bergman, in his book Rise and Kill First, shows that it hasn’t worked. The Zionists killed off all sorts of PLO people in the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s, and they capped it off by apparently murdering Yasser Arafat, although that’s not in Bergman’s book, in the early 2000s.

And yet, as Bergman points out in the book, rather acerbically for somebody who’s basically a Mossad stenographer, this has simply produced a more dedicated and in many cases actually greater leadership in the resistance. And by decapitating the PLO and largely neutering that organization, they created an even stronger resistance, the current Islamic resistance, a coalition of many groups. And this Islamic resistance is even more likely to rally behind its martyrs than the secular resistance was that they were able to decapitate in the past.

Every time they create a new martyr, they create a bigger problem for themselves. And even people like Ronan Bergman and his Israeli intelligence sources seemingly know this, but they can’t stop themselves because—well, I guess they’re evil, and evil has to go lash out at good, and the evil people plot to kill the good people.

But “they plot and God plots and ultimately God is the best of planners.”

And before we leave you, Mr. Barrett, I also want you to address the ongoing situation in Lebanon and Gaza, the continued Israeli crimes that are being committed in the West Asia region, the attacks and killing of civilians in Lebanon, the ongoing genocide in Gaza, which has passed the one-year mark.

Once again, the Zionists are showing that what they do best is slaughtering helpless, unarmed civilians, especially children, babies, their mothers. This is what they’re dedicated to doing. They’re dedicated to trying to exterminate the people of Palestine so they can steal their land. That’s what Zionism has always been about. And when they face actual military resistance, they don’t do so well.

And right now, we’re seeing this illustrated once again. Just as in Gaza, where they were unable to achieve their goals, which were to eliminate Hamas and bring back their captives alive. Now in Lebanon, they have been stopped practically at the border. They haven’t been able to progress much into Lebanon. And now they’re falling back on Plan B and Plan C, just like they are in Gaza. In Gaza, their Plan B involves a deliberate starvation of hundreds of thousands, perhaps half a million people in North Gaza. That’s just raising this genocide to an even more unbelievable and disgusting level.

And in Lebanon, apparently they are trying to figure out some way to get around this complete roadblock that Hezbollah has erected in front of them. And their tanks are being blown up. They’re losing in these encounters. They’re being lured into traps. Their military war is going very, very badly. And so they’re taking out their frustration by slaughtering civilians. And we saw that in Gaza with the ever greater number of innocent civilians who’ve been murdered. The official totals of 40,000-plus probably don’t come near the real total, which is likely already well into six figures.

And in Lebanon, once again, they’re making no progress on the military front. They’ve actually exposed that they’re vulnerable to Iranian missile strikes. They’ve lost their Iron Dome. And the way they take out their frustrations for losing the military struggle is by slaughtering civilians. It’s not surprising that they blew up all of those civilian affiliates of Hezbollah with the exploding pagers and radios and the worst act of terrorism in modern history. And it’s not surprising that they’re continuing with that effort to kill civilians, even as they continue to lose on the battlefield.

Okay, we’re going to have to leave it there. Thanks to expert in West Asian affairs, Kevin Barrett, joining us from Saidia, Morocco.

Biblical Roots of Zionist Genocide?

By Richard C. Cook, Co-Founder and Lead Analyst, American Geopolitical Institute. Author, Our Country, Then and Now (Clarity Press, 2023)

This morning Kevin posted an outstanding analysis entitled, “Why Israel’s Assassinations Only Strengthen the Resistance.” Following are my own comments.

Kevin has certainly captured the Zionist modus operandi here. I would only add that it is the same modus operandi that what I call the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire has engaged in for centuries.

The basic pattern is for them to move toward a territory they covet, launch a devastating genocidal assault against the people who live there, install a puppet regime of compliant collaborators to police those who remain alive, and suck out the proceeds from their resources in perpetuity.

In some cases, the imperialists may actually install their own populations on the land stolen in such a way. For the last century or so, the devastating genocidal assault has been accomplished by saturation bombing with high explosives, napalm, white phosphorous, depleted uranium, etc. (In the case of Japan, of course, nukes, which may now be in use by Israel.)

Examples of all this are legion–the Anglo-Americans (and other Europeans) against the Native Americans, the British in Ireland, India and Africa, the Americans again in the Philippines, Britain and the U.S. against Germany, and, post-World War II, the U.S. against Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Serbia, Libya, Syria, and now, the Israelis against the Palestinians, using U.S.-supplied aircraft and munitions.

So yes, Israel is at it today, but it’s part of a longstanding pattern.

Where did this genocidal mania come from? That, of course, is a complex matter. I would turn, as I have done before, to British journalist Douglas Reed (1895-1976) and his classic “The Controversy of Zion.” He writes that the only possible source of the doctrine of total destruction of entire peoples that we see in the modern world is the Biblical Book of Deuteronomy. See Deuteronomy 7:1-5, cited below.

Some have argued that the historical impulse for modern Zionism arose with the Protestants of Great Britain (especially the Scots) and the Americans who were accustomed to literal interpretations of the Bible and especially partial to the Old Testament.

So this may be what we are seeing at work today, with the Jews of Israel fulfilling the madness of their old tribal god. But the Anglo-Americans are the enablers.

Let me add that my own Christian beliefs and values do not support this at all. Jesus came to change all this. I daresay Mohamed did too.

Here’s the quote:

“1 When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations—the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, seven nations larger and stronger than you— 2 and when the Lord your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy. 3 Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons, 4 for they will turn your children away from following me to serve other gods, and the Lord’s anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you. 5 This is what you are to do to them: Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones, cut down their Asherah poles and burn their idols in the fire.”

Why anyone would think that in the 20th century this is a prescription for successful international relations must truly be out of their minds.

Richard C. Cook is co-founder and lead investigator for the American Geopolitical Institute.  Mr. Cook is a retired U.S. federal analyst with extensive experience across various government agencies, including the U.S. Civil Service Commission, FDA, the Carter White House, NASA, and the U.S. Treasury.

Hezbollah Strike on Israeli Military Base Injures 70

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At least 67 people have been wounded in a drone attack in northern Israel, according to Israeli emergency services and local media, as the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah said it had targeted an Israeli military camp with a “swarm” of drones.

Rough transcript:

Regarding Hezbollah’s latest retaliation attack against the town south of Haifa, I’m joined by Kevin Barrett, expert in West Asia affairs. Kevin, good to have you with us. So, let’s hear your assessment of this. In the past couple of days especially, these retaliation attacks have claimed the lives of Israelis and injured a large number of them.

Yes, Hezbollah has shown amazing resilience after the Zionist terrorists blew up the pagers and radios of civilian Hezbollah personnel without touching the military personnel, who didn’t use those pagers, in one of the worst terrorist attacks in all of history. Then they murdered Hassan Nasrallah, the great charismatic and beloved leader who is extremely popular across the whole region and beyond, appalling much of the world.

The Zionist media in the West was trying to broadcast the idea that these were somehow successes. But the reality is that killing a bunch of civilians through an act of terrorism and then murdering a very reasonable man that they should have been negotiating with a long time ago is actually a good way to hasten their own demise.

And we’re seeing that already. Lebanon has been bombed, but the Zionists, as always, are better at mass murdering civilians than they are at actually reducing the fighting ability of fighters. That is, they fight very well when they have no opposition. They put bullets through the heads and the hearts of children and babies and women quite effectively. But when someone fights back, then they lose. They turn tail and run. They’re cowards.

And now Hezbollah has shown that it is perhaps the most courageous and proficient operations on earth, absorbing the blow that they did and regrouping so quickly that the Zionists have been unable to advance more than a few meters into Lebanon.

The Zionists have several brigades lined up that were supposed to be invading Lebanon, but they can’t even go in there because they’re getting their proverbial rear ends handed to them by the Lebanese resistance.

Hezbollah has announced that it is going to be getting on with the serious retaliation for the murder of the great martyr, Hassan Nasrallah. And they told the people of Haifa to evacuate if they live anywhere near any potential military target. And now they have pummeled a military target causing massive casualties among the genocidal  Zionist settlers.

So we’re all really in awe with great appreciation of the bravery and the genius of the people who have turned Hezbollah into really the world’s greatest anti-terror group, the group that’s standing up against genocide alongside the rest of the resistance in the region, led by Hamas, of course, alongside other groups.

And they are making life miserable for the genocidal Zionist entity, which at this very moment is trying to up the ante of its genocide. They’re trying to basically starve northern Gaza. They’re not allowing even water to get in there. And it’s just horrific what they’re doing.

And they’re facing very, very stiff resistance right now from Lebanon. And God bless Hezbollah for it.

That’s right. And Kevin, as you just rightly said, Israel has been unable to achieve many objectives. Hamas is still there. It’s not eradicated like Israel wanted. Then they assassinate leaders of the resistance fighters. And resistance gets stronger, like you see, a stronger attack by Lebanon just less than an hour ago. But still, in the midst of all of this, there is this idea of what they are calling greater Israel. I mean, how could such a thing cross their mind when they are failing even in Gaza?

Well, Zionism is not a rational project. The apologists and propagandists for Zionism in the West have tried to present Zionism as some sort of legitimate national liberation movement. And they’ve tried to present the so-called state of Israel as a legitimate sort of moderate Western-style democratic secular state. That’s what the propaganda says.

But that’s just lies as everyone in the region knows. The real source of Zionism is extremist messianic millenarianism, a fanatical philosophy that looks to the coming of what these people, these Zionists, believe will be their Messiah, who is going to be a military conqueror who will subjugate the entire world. And on the way to that goal, they intend to expand the borders of the so-called State of Israel to everything from the Nile River to the Euphrates River. It’s been said that the blue stripes on the Israeli flag refer to that project.

So there’s a fanatical extremist, deviant, heretical religious project that’s driven the creation and endless expansion and endless genocide of the so-called State of Israel. And that means that there’s a kind of built-in instability in the mentality of the people there, and their leadership. And we see this most clearly with the kind of raving lunatics in the cabinet of Netanyahu, people like Smotrich and Ben-Gavir, who are fanatical believers in this notion that they can bring on the millennium—a thousand years of peace and joy and happiness for the Jewish people, each of whom will have a thousand plus non-Jewish slaves. They will have completely enslaved the world.

That’s what they want. I’s their millenarian vision. And they believe that they will bring on a messiah who will somehow accomplish this for them if they can fight ruthlessly enough. And they don’t have to think strategically, because it’s a bizarre sacred, heretical religious vision.

So that’s really the answer. There are a lot of irrational people in decision-making positions in the Zionist entity.

And Kevin, like our viewers can also see now in our new sticker, this latest attack by Hezbollah was directed at the squadron drones that are launched. It was a training center. It’s like the canteen of a training center. It’s a military center in that little town Banyamina near Haifa. But look at the other side. Look at how the Israeli military, the most moral army, as they put it, are acting in Gaza and also in Lebanon.

Well, we’ve seen reports in the mainstream Western media just in the past week that have shocked and appalled a lot of Americans and Europeans who previouly had not realized the full extent of the depravity of the Zionist military. We’ve gotten these reports from Doctors Without Borders and other medical groups, Western medical groups, documenting the fact that they’re finding huge numbers of children and babies deliberately murdered by Israeli snipers and other gunmen with bullets put right between their eyes and directly into their hearts. These snipers are shooting little children and babies, and of course women and other noncombatants, to kill them with these targeted shots between the eyes and to the heart. Over and over and over, these Western medical personnel have documented huge numbers of these children being deliberately sniper murdered.

And now those of us who’ve been paying attention know that this has been a regular practice of the Israeli Defense Forces going back for decades. Indeed, Chris Hedges, formerly of the New York Times, wrote an article called A Gaza Diary back in 2001 in which he described witnessing the horror of these Zionist soldiers barking out obscene insults over their megaphones in order to lure Palestinian children within range of their gun sites so they could murder them for sport.

Chris Hedges wrote that he had witnessed horrific atrocities in war zones all over the planet, but he had never seen soldiers luring children like mice into a trap and murdering them for sport until he got to occupied Palestine and saw the Israelis doing it.

This is the army that they call the most moral army in the world. This is the army that prints up t-shirts with pregnant women with a target on their bellies with a legend, “one shot, two kills.”

They are proud of murdering babies. They’re proud of murdering pregnant women and killing the babies being carried by the pregnant women. And they brag about it. Their political leadership actually wants this.

Whereas the resistance has focused relentlessly on targeting the Israeli military. That means the resistance is the anti-terrorist force. And the Zionists who deliberately attack civilians to spread fear and terror are, by definition, the real terrorists.

Kevin, we have two Israeli ministers calling the U.N. chief as persona non grata. And that because Guterres has failed to condemn Iran’s retaliation against Israel. I mean, look at the audacity. I mean, Israel assassinates Hamas’s leader, Hezbollah’s leader, Iran’s top general, in broad daylight, breaching sovereignty, territorial integrity of the country, international law and everything. And now they are calling Guterres persona non grata.

Yeah, it’s the word audacity doesn’t even begin to describe it. There’s a Yiddish word chutzpah, which is described as the quality of someone who’s killed their parents and is on trial and pleads with the judge for mercy on the basis of being an orphan. That’s chutzpah. And the Zionist leadership has chutzpah in spades. They think that they’re Yahweh’s gift to humanity and that everything they do, no matter how depraved and evil, has to be met with absolute adulation by the whole world.

And so if the UN chief notices that Iran has been very reasonable and very restrained so far in its retaliation for these ongoing genocidal atrocities and other war crimes committed by the Zionists on an accelerating basis, then, of course, he’s the bad guy. He’s the persona non grata. It’s not Netanyahu, the lunatic war criminal with his even crazier cabinet.

It’s Guterres who’s persona non grata! It’s the head of the United Nations! It’s everybody else who’s wrong. You know, somebody who thinks that they’re always right and everybody else they run into in the world is always wrong—that person is a narcissist and a psychopath. And that’s exactly what the Israelis are.

OK, appreciate the insight. Kevin Barrett, West Asian affairs expert inside here from Morocco. And with that, we also come to the end of this newscast from Tehran. Thank you for watching.

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